Sustainable Shopping Tips
Composed Living Composed Living

Sustainable Shopping Tips

Who doesn’t love some retail therapy?? I know I do. But, it’s even more fun when you do it responsibly. While searching for some pieces to amp up your summer wardrobe, don’t forget to take the environment and working conditions in mind. Take a break from Amazon and instead, support a small local business who shares your values. Plus, there are so many ways to buy used online and in person - take advantage!

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Tips for Sprucing Up Your Outdoors
Composed Living Composed Living

Tips for Sprucing Up Your Outdoors

Time for Spring means time for a refresh. I am always looking forward to an opportunity to upgrade my spaces. As the temperature rises and you’re spending more time outside, create an extension of your home. Whether it’s a small spot to have your morning coffee or a place to gather with friends, your outdoor space is equally important in making your home feel whole and a haven to come back to. Surround yourself with greenery, a nice place to relax, and the warm spring air and you’ll be feeling good!

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5 Questions to Help You Declutter Kid's Toys
Composed Living Composed Living

5 Questions to Help You Declutter Kid's Toys

Decluttering your kids’ toys can be a really tough task! There’s a lot of memories and emotion attached to many of these items. But, kids move on quickly and lose interest in their old toys fast. These items tend to be either very big and bulky, or have lots of little pieces that can be easily lost. So, it’s a good category to regularly assess if everything needs to be kept. These questions will help you stay on track!

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Top 5 Spring Cleaning Tips
Composed Living Composed Living

Top 5 Spring Cleaning Tips

There’s nothing better than a freshly cleaned house! With spring just around the corner - officially starting on March 20th - we figured you might be prepping for your spring clean. This is a great time to both tidy up your physical spaces and tidy up the amount of stuff you have. Once you start getting rid of things, and only keeping things you really love and cherish, you will feel lighter and really be able to sink into your space!

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Organization Tips to Keep Your Relationships Thriving
Composed Living Composed Living

Organization Tips to Keep Your Relationships Thriving

Being organized isn't just for your home - organization helps you to do all the things you want to do in your lifetime. For many of us, that includes having thriving relationships with friends, family, and significant others. Sometimes we have to schedule in time for our loved ones, and that’s okay. Maintaining a relationship is hard work - a decision you wake up and make every single day. My relationships thrive the most when we never forget to prioritize the other person’s happiness!

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Ideas for Date Night (or Date Day)
Composed Living Composed Living

Ideas for Date Night (or Date Day)

Date night with Chad is something I prioritize and look forward to. It’s something that keeps our relationship alive and helps us be able to prioritize each other’s happiness while keeping fun in the forefront of our relationship. I’m always on the hunt for new activities we can do together and I’d love to share some with you just in time for Valentine’s Day - but these are great year round for you and your partner, or you and a friend!

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Recap to 30 Days of Composed Living
Composed Living Composed Living

Recap to 30 Days of Composed Living

As January has come to a close, we have finished up our 30 Days to Composed Living - a guide to creating a life you love - that we were featuring on our instagram all throughout the month. BUT, these are practices you can integrate into every month to really prioritize yourself and the aspects of life that you value most. For me, the areas I choose to focus on are: Home, Education, Family + Friends, Marriage + Partnership, Finances, Health + Wellness, Community, Career, and Spirituality.

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Setting Intentions & Goal Setting
Composed Living Composed Living

Setting Intentions & Goal Setting

What do you want more of in your life? The start of the year can be great for a reset, but I like to continually check in throughout the year. On the new moon, I like to write down a list: what do I want to accept? What do I want to release? On the full moon I reflect - have those things come to fruition? And if not, what can I adjust to get there? For me, I want to experience more joy, creativity, and freedom. I set my goals around these feelings.

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Moving Guide + Tips
Composed Living Composed Living

Moving Guide + Tips

There is nothing better than the peace a client feels when they walk into their new home and everything is already in its place. Moving can be incredibly stressful because there are so many moving parts, but it is so important to hit the ground running and get your home set up to your liking right away. Your home should be your safe place, and having systems and a logical place for everything from the start will make your new space feel like home in a jiff.

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30 Days to Composed Living
Composed Living Composed Living

30 Days to Composed Living

30 Days to Composed Living is all about the little changes we can make in our daily lives that will make a significant impact to bring every aspect of our lives to balance and create a life that we are happy to be co-creating. Instead of New Years resolutions centered on productivity, I want to instead focus on how I want to feel in my life. What are the different categories that make up a well-balanced life? For me it’s home, education, friends, marriage, finances, health, community, spirituality, and career.

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