30 Days to Composed Living

30 Days to Composed Living

If you’ve been following along with our IG Stories (@ComposedLiving), we’ve been posting tips every day for 30 days about little changes we can make in our daily lives that will make a significant impact to bring every aspect of our lives to balance and create a life that we are happy to be co-creating. The new year is such a beautiful, symbolic opportunity to be mindful about what is working in your life, think about areas where you’d like to spend more focus and improve, and what you’d like to eliminate. This is all about how you want to feel in your life, and not about what you want to accomplish.

I gave up on New Year’s Resolutions a while ago… as does everyone on like January 10th. There was really never anything different when the clock struck midnight. I was still me. I found that those resolutions I once set had become about setting additional tasks or productivity measurements for myself, something that I already do by my normal nature. So, I wanted to shift away from productivity and things that could be measured and instead focus on how I want to feel in my life. What are the different categories that make up a well-balanced life? I’ve listed my personal areas of focus below, but feel free to spend some time thinking about what matters most to you and create your own categories!

1) Home - how do I want my how to look and feel? Is there anything I need to focus on or stop doing in order to create this feeling?

2) Education - Education to me is so important. I always want to be learning and growing, and I want to feel like I’m using my brain in fun and interesting ways. This could mean reading different books, or learning a new language!

3) Family/Friends - how do I want to feel in relationship with my friends and family?

4) Marriage/Partnership - what do I want my marriage to look like? How can I create a feeling of support or connection?

5) Finances - Am I saving for a particular goal, or trying to pay down a debt? Having an awareness of your current financial circumstances is the best way to help you plan for the future.

6) Health + Wellness - Beyond just exercise, is there something else I’d like to focus my attention on in this category? Perhaps setting a goal such as run a 10k, or try something new like a morning meditation practice!

7) Community - how can I foster a sense of community, or give back to my local community?

8) Career - what is the next step I want to take in my career? How can I keep pushing myself to learn more and try new things?

9) Spirituality - What fun activities or practices can I incorporate into my daily life to encourage my spiritual growth?

These are the categories I chose because they’re important to me, but take a second and think about the areas in your life that would create the most balance and joy for you and use the same methodology. My husband and I start off every new year by going for a hike and aligning on how we want to feel in each of these categories instead of focusing on tasks that we could assign to ourselves. Any goals that you do set should be in line with how you want to feel instead of creating crazy and unrealistic expectations for yourself.

So, without further ado, I present to you my guide for 30 Days to Composed Living. Within it, you’ll find all my tips and tricks that I like to remind myself about at the start of year yes, but also every day beyond that in order to have a happy and fulfilling life.

30 days to Composed Living Guide

Bring balance into your life.

Be sure to follow along with our instagram stories at @ComposedLiving to hear me talk more about the items in this guide and to hear from different members of the CL team about their intentions within these categories!


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