6 Ways to Feel and Share Love

6 Ways to Feel and Share Love

There are many different ways you might experience love in your life. In Ancient Greek, there are six different words which represent the different forms of love. We went ahead and paired each word with a way to celebrate that form of love in your life. As you’re reading through, my hope is that you take note of the many different forms of love that are present in your life. And while you may not currently have all 6 forms, reflect on how beautiful it is to celebrate all that you do have.

Philautia, or love of the self

There’s a reason this one is first, arguably it’s the most important. It is hard to give love if it doesn’t exist for ourself first. Of course even within this you could say there are two kinds - one leaning towards narcissism, too obsessed with self but the healthy version will enhance the expansion of love you are able to give. “All friendly feelings for others are an extension of a man’s feelings for himself.” - Aristotle

Celebrate philautia by taking yourself out on a date. To the spa, to a delicious meal, whatever loving yourself looks like to you. Take this moment to show yourself love. LifeHack.org has a great list of 30+ ways to get into the habit of celebrating your self — check it out and let us know which work for you!

Ludus, or playful love

When you read this I hope you pictured laughter. This form of love is also seen in two different ways, young love or casual lovers. Think flirting, some teasing you may experience early in a relationship. You’re also practicing ludus love when you’re experiencing playful exchanges amongst friends.

Celebrate ludus by going dancing or having a game night with friends. Find a way to play and experience fun. For ideas on how to enhance or strengthen any relationship, we recommend our feng shui wellness guide for Your Relationships. In it you will find super valuable tips and guidance on how to create an environment in your home that promotes and supports all the relationships in your life.

Philia, or deep friendship

This was the most valued form of love amongst the Ancient Greeks. This is the deep friendship — the “brother in arms” who you would die for in battle. Some translations also compared this love to the love between a parent and their child. This is your true RIDE OR DIE.

Celebrate philia by sending a card to your ride or die and make sure they know how much they mean to you. Our friends, or kids, deserve to hear these words from us more than they probably do. A friend of mine makes these sustainable, hand-painted and do good cards where a % goes to support refugees in America. She’ll even do a custom design for a bulk order!

Eros, or sexual passion

This is probably the word you’re most familiar with and funnily enough - to the greeks, this was not always seen as a positive like we often find it today. To the Ancient Greeks there was some danger — an unpredictability the Greeks didn’t appreciate — being the deep thinkers they were. Yet, here we are today wanting to fall madly in love, wanting to lose control and rational thought when we find our love. Eros is an important part of love, and when balanced amongst the other forms, can bring pleasure and happiness.

Celebrate the eros in your life by planning a sexy night in. Light some candles, draw a bath, dim the lights and play your favorite sensual playlist. Supercharge your eros with your partner by trying one of these date night ideas.

Pragma, or longstanding love

Think long-term. You’ve made compromises, you’ve gotten real and gone through some life together... and still choose each other. This is a sensible, patient and tolerant love, it’s hard to ignore the word “pragmatic” having such a strong root here. After you fall in love, and are in it - will you continue to choose to stand there?

Celebrate the pragma in your life by creating a slideshow of photos from over the years with someone you experience this long term love with. I love these Digital Photo Frames, all you have to do is load your slideshow up to a USB and they can have a constant stream of happy memories flowing.

Agape, or love for everyone

This may be my personal favorite form. This is a selfless love, that is extended not just to family, but to everyone. Referred to as “universal loving kindness” or metta in Buddhism,
”agape is disinterested love. . . . agape does not begin by discriminating between worthy and unworthy people, or any qualities people possess. It begins by loving others for their sakes. Therefore, agape makes no distinction between friend and enemy; it is directed toward both.” - Martin Luther King Jr.

Celebrate the agape in your life by looking for an opportunity to give through service. Who can you give a little selfless love to this month? Not sure where to start? Schedule a time to drop off donations at a non-profit like A Sense of Home to support young adults aging out of the foster care system while they get on their feet. We’ve got a list of resources for you here!

So, which form of love is showing up most in your life now?
Which are excited to share?
Happy love season!


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