7 Posts You Really Love

7 Posts You Really Love

Looking for inspiration to organize your home and office spaces?
Check out the posts from some of our most loved projects and inspiration that we see you all loving across our social channels. You’ll find hot home organizing tips and links to incredible resources and sustainable products so you can get started towards living your best organized life immediately.

Number One - Storage Closet Makeover

This storage closet makeover is a big hit! *Chef’s kiss* Closets are hard and who doesn’t have one worthy of a makeover? We all tend to find ourselves putting a lot of items into a small space and it can become an easy habit to shut the door, walk away, and not think about that closet for weeks, months even. Show of hands for even longer…?

Hot tip: Make sure that the items you use regularly are easy to access. Start your organizing process there and work your way out. Store the items you barely use towards the top or back of the shelf, keeping the front and lower spaces for what you need most accessibility to. This works for sporting equipment, holiday decor, entertaining supplies, or cleaning products.

Number Two - About our Founder Elsa Elbert

You all loved getting to know our founder Elsa, seen here. She is truly an impressive human who is consistently dedicated to making sure everything is as smooth and easy as possible for our clients while also prioritizing home and office organization, the mental benefits of decluttering, and value of sustainable products and practices. You can get to know even more about her and our whole team here..

We love getting to know the people we work with on each and every project and it means a lot to know that you also enjoy getting to know our team — so THANK YOU!

Number Three - The Kitchen Pantry

It’s not that we have favorite projects, but oh my goodness do we LOVE doing a kitchen pantry. It is perhaps one of the quickest projects to see improvement and usability.

Hot tip: Not all kitchen pantries need a major overhaul. Go through your pantry and start by checking expiration dates, you’d be surprised how much room in your panty might be created be tossing old items alone. And, keep in mind what you have let expire. Is it discount items? Over-purchase of something that your family really doesn’t care for? Over-stock of non-perishables in case of emergency? Ask yourself: do you need this item and will you really need to buy it again?

Learn more with our free tutorial on how to organize small spaces here.

Number Four - Organizing is for Lazy People

I think we all got a great laugh out of this quote by Bertrand Russell: “Organized people are just too lazy to look for things.” It’s too true! My love of organization came from a place of not wanting to feel rushed. I don’t want to feel rushed looking for my other shoe, my keys, my wallet, you know the pain! I enjoy a peaceful existence …and for me, that’s just not possible with a disorganized space.

Hot tip: Feeling overwhelmed and not sure where to start with reorganizing? Set up a 30 or 60-minute Virtual Consultation with one of our Lead Organizers who will give you custom and targeted solutions and recommendations for your unique spaces on the spot — and from anywhere in the world! Have a vacation home or Airbnb that needs attention? Maybe you want to do a quick update of your living spaces for the season or expected guests? Changing it up for a holiday? All great reasons to make a quick call for 30- or 60-minute coaching with professional organizers who can offer a bit of clarity where you need it most.

Number Five - The “Forgotten Room”

What is it for you? The one “forgotten room” in your home that seems to collect items over the years? Check out this Guest Room Declutter + Organization project that we did for a client who just couldn’t take what went on behind those doors any longer!

Hot tip: Small but mighty impacts where you least expect it can make a world of difference. Consider matching hangers in your closets. It’s not as spendy as you think and it will transform your closet from a practical as well as visual perspective. We like these ones you can buy at a GREAT price.

Number Six - Client Love

Check out this client we loved helping! Life had taken over and there just weren’t enough hours in the day for this lovely human to manage their belongings — something we can all relate to, right? For this home organizing project, we were able to come in and make a functional system that works for their lifestyle and how they realistically need to use their living room.

Our goal is to make sure that we set up a space for how you really live and what you really need. We are proud of the lasting, functional, and sustainable systems we create for clients like this — sustains that lead to much less stress, and much more livability.

Does this living room hit a little too close to home? Download our our free guide 30 Days to Clutter-free Living.

Number Seven - Organizing Products

Did you know that we will source and supply organizing products for you? When we show up to organize, we bring the goods with us that truly makes your space special and customized. For this home organizing project we worked with the client to order several larger pieces that were essential in pulling their room together. We’re always happy to tweak designs a bit to support better organization — all within a sustainable organizing mindset.

If you’re looking for full on design support, we have an incredibly talented interior designer that we love to refer our clients to. We’re able to work closely with Robin and Olazko Interiors to keep style and function working together in your space. Tell her Elsa sent you!

Ready to start transforming your space into the chaos-free home of your dreams? We believe in helping you create a life you love!
Schedule your FREE 15-minute project consultation so we can discuss what services will best serve you and your space now.


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