Organize Your Relationship in 30 Minutes

Updated February 2023

Organize Your Relationship in 30 Minutes

Can it be this easy? Yes. It can. But it does take YOU to do this work. In todays busy world, it has arguably gotten more difficult to stay on the same page with your partner. Everything is always changing, and there just don’t seem to be enough hours in the day… but read below for how you can stay ahead of overcrowded calendars by spending just 30 minutes/week.

Experts everywhere are saying, set up a Weekly Meeting with your partner. And if you haven’t tried it yet, why?
Here’s what we recommend doing in your 20-40 minute weekly meeting.

Start with gratitude.
Each partner should come to this meeting with a specific and clear compliment.
It could sound like “I really appreciate you calling and taking care of that bill because you knew it was stressing me out.” or “Thank you for bringing me my favorite dessert.”
The science shows, praising the behavior you want to see, increases the chances it will happen again.

Chore Check In/Budget
If this is your first Weekly Meeting, we recommend that you start by writing down all of the weekly chores. Then you have an honest conversation about what chores you don’t mind doing, what you expect to be done (put laundry away might mean something different to each of you). The goal here is not that you won’t have to do anything you don’t want to, but that there is a balance and everyone feels that the delegations are fair.
Take it a step further and create an actual chore chart. This doubles as a way to make sure you both understand the assignments.Are there any seasonal tasks that need to be added?
And, any big budget expenses coming up? Talk about this now, it is what this time is for. While this may feel uncomfortable, it is more comfortable than the alternative.
Budget conversations almost never go well when they’re rushed, while someone is headed out the door.

Future Planning
No matter how busy you are, fun is non-negotiable for a happy and thriving relationship.
When is the next date night?
Any fun trips to plan?
Holding yourselves accountable to consistent fun is one of the most recommended ways to keep a relationship healthy.

Address Challenges
This is last for a reason. At this point, you both are feeling appreciated, clear and excited for the future.
Now, it is important to talk through any bumps or friction that came up over the week, so they don’t become full on walls. This isn’t a time to just list complaints but come with at most two tension points that you would like to address and brainstorm together, how to avoid in the future.

Go Above and Beyond…
Maybe you’ve noticed an area in the home that adds stress to your partners life, how many fights have happened over “there’s just nowhere to store my shoes” or “I can’t find my keys.” Give the gift of organizing get rid of unnecessary stress and arguments. Just imagine your partner coming home to their kitchen organized like they see it in their dreams!

Don’t just keep scrolling on the internet. If you read all the way to the end, you’re highly considering that this may be a good idea for you.
Reach out to your partner now, and ask them if you two can have a weekly meeting to get aligned.

The hardest part is doing it, but it also will bring the most joy into your life.

Originally Posted September of 2022


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