10 Things to Declutter in 10 Minutes or Less

Updated March 2023

10 Things to Declutter in 10 Minutes or Less

Want to make a big impact in your space in almost no time at all? Check out these recommendations from our professional organizers on how to handle these areas in your home that can collect a lot of clutter. Start with one and set a timer for 10 minutes. You will be shocked at what you get accomplished - and, once you get into the zone, you’ll be on a roll!

The 10 Things!!

  1. Expired Medications + Supplements

    I get it, supplements are expensive, but if you’ve moved on to another plan - why let half full, bulky jars of things you'll never take just sit there? It’s easy to let old medications accumulate in a medicine cabinet or beneath the sink, but clearing them out and keeping only what you actually need will make you feel amazing!

  2. Socks Without a Match

    I’m always baffled by how many socks get lost while doing laundry in my own home! Where could they possibly be going??? Say goodbye to your runaways and only keep your socks who have friends. :)

3. Stained or Torn Clothing

Clothing can be one of the more difficult items to eliminate, but this is the easiest place to start. Rid your closet of any clothes not in great condition and drop it to a textile recycling center! In L.A. we love Suay Sew Shop that repurposes donated textiles into clothes, blankets, pillows, masks, and more! There’s also a clothing and shoes recycling drop box off of 3rd St. on Ogden next to the Ross near The Grove.

4. Expired Foods

Go through your pantry and you’ll be shocked by how much expired food has been sitting there for years! And remember, even if it’s something that might be fine post expiration date, if it hasn’t been eaten since 2018, chances are, you’re not going to eat it now.

5. Old Papers

This includes junk mail, old receipts, restaurant menus, old catalogs, and expired coupons. This is one of the main things that clutters counter tops, corners, and junk drawers. Once you’ve gone through all of the places in your home that store old papers, going forward, declutter them immediately upon receiving them. Pretty much every menu and catalog can be found online and the only receipts that you really need to keep are donation receipts, things you might return, and receipts for big tickets purchases, especially if there’s a warranty attached.

6. Hotel Toiletries

Realistically, we rarely end up using the travel sized items that we collect. I keep one baby shampoo and body wash for camping, and a small toothpaste for trips, but anything beyond a couple of basics for a carry on suitcase becomes excess clutter. Local shelters will accept these toiletries! In LA, I donate toiletries to The People Concern’s Access Center in Santa Monica .

And, while you’re at it, check out our free guide with the best organizing tricks for the smaller spaces below!

7. Phone Apps You Don't Use

Clutter extends to the digital world. Just like we can feel overwhelmed by too much stuff in our physical space, our online presence can affect us in similar ways.Get rid of all of those apps that you downloaded that one time for that one thing and never touched again. You’ll feel lighter!

8. Books

There’s probably books on your shelf that you've read and you'll never re-read or you wouldn't loan to a friend. You can donate these to your local community library: check out Little Free Library for one near you. Additionally, if you’re in the LA area but happen to find yourself a bit East, The Claremont Forum Bookshop accepts book donations as part of the Prison Library Project. Also, Books Through Bars accepts books by mail!

9. Unsubscribe from E-mails

We subscribe to so many things mindlessly that our inboxes can get completely crowded with things we don't want to receive. Try using Unroll.Me to make the process easier and clear out any unwanted subscriptions.

10. Phone Photos

Delete photos on your phone that are duplicates, blurry, or just not cute!

Want us to come and help you finish the job or with a bigger project? We love a garage.... or a declutter before you move? Schedule a free 15-minute consultation to learn how our team can help you live a clutter and chaos-free life.

Originally Posted February 2022


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