A Better Chance with Intentions

A Better Chance with Intentions

Are you ready to make a change? Are you working towards some big goals this year? Having a clear intention to use as a north star while working towards or through shifts in your life will give you a better chance of success. When things get hard, when you just don’t want to.. remember your intention. We asked our team what their intentions are for the year and invite you to scroll through for some inspiration below.

Still looking to get clear on your goals for 2023?

Check out this blog we posted a few weeks back for guidance.


My 2023 goal is to monotask. It’s the opposite of multitasking! Instead of doing many things at once with split attention, I would like to direct all of my concentrated energy toward one effort. My desire is to focus on and fully pay attention to the present moment and its magic. In my presence, I hope to breathe more fully, think more clearly, and connect with others on a deeper level. Especially in the context of society’s new attention economy (ie. social media), your focus and presence are precious.


I’m trying to have a mentality of abundance. I find that having a scarcity mentality is what keeps my resources scarce. By adjusting my brain to a growth mentality, I hope to attract and witness more instances of abundance.


My intentions for 2023 are centered around growth. For me, the time is now! Instead of seeing my dreams and goals as part of a distant future, I am choosing now. Little actions and habit shifts that will lead to growth in areas I’m hoping to make changes in.


I’m working on preserving my social energy this year, which means a few different things…
1) It’s okay to say “no” to your friends if you don’t want to go out.
2) You don’t always have to give 110% at social events. Give yourself grace and meet yourself where you’re at.
3) Appreciate JOMO (the joy of missing out) instead of worrying about the FOMO (fear of missing out)


My main goal is to prioritize school and setting personal self care boundaries. It’s hard to say no to social outings but I’m really putting health and mental sharpness first this year. More sleep, more movement, more time to myself, more quiet joy.


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