Guided Meditation: Your Living Vision


Embark on a journey of self-discovery and manifestation with Composed Living's guided meditation, "Your Living Vision." This meditation invites you to explore the depths of your aspirations and bring them to life. Through a soothing narration, you'll be guided to visualize your ideal life, your living vision - creating a mental blueprint for you to carry with you throughout your day. "Your Living Vision" is the key to unlocking the full potential of your dreams and creating a path towards a more fulfilling and intentional life. Start your journey of self-realization today!


Embark on a journey of self-discovery and manifestation with Composed Living's guided meditation, "Your Living Vision." This meditation invites you to explore the depths of your aspirations and bring them to life. Through a soothing narration, you'll be guided to visualize your ideal life, your living vision - creating a mental blueprint for you to carry with you throughout your day. "Your Living Vision" is the key to unlocking the full potential of your dreams and creating a path towards a more fulfilling and intentional life. Start your journey of self-realization today!

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and manifestation with Composed Living's guided meditation, "Your Living Vision." This meditation invites you to explore the depths of your aspirations and bring them to life. Through a soothing narration, you'll be guided to visualize your ideal life, your living vision - creating a mental blueprint for you to carry with you throughout your day. "Your Living Vision" is the key to unlocking the full potential of your dreams and creating a path towards a more fulfilling and intentional life. Start your journey of self-realization today!

This meditation is intended to help you visualize and focus your mind on your living vision. If you have not already created your living vision, please do this journaling exercise first! (You can screenshot these instructions, or email us and we’ll send them to your inbox directly!)

This exercise takes about 15-20, so be sure to begin when you have time and space to focus. Grab your favorite journal, and begin describing one day in your perfect life. Write in the present tense, as though everything is happening in real time. You want to be as specific with every detail as possible. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Where are you? Home? Vacation?

  • What do you see around you? Who is with you?

  • What are you wearing? What can you touch?

  • What sounds do you hear? What do you smell?

  • Describe your work, your financial situation, your social life.

  • What time did you wake up? What pajamas are you wearing? Who is next to you?

  • What are your meals throughout the day? Did you cook them? Do you go out to your favorite restaurant?

  • How do you spend your day? Be specific! If you’re going for a run, are you alone? Are you running on a treadmill or on the beach?

You get the idea…you want to write a movie script that describes in vivid detail for the viewer your ideal day from the moment you wake up, until the moment you fall asleep again. And revisit this using the meditation as often as you need to feel inspired. xx

Guided Meditation: Letting go of what no longer serves you