5 Organizing Tips for Mental Clarity

Updated May 2023

Organizing for Mental Clarity

Let’s get into some ways you can use organizational principles to stay on top of your mental health. When you stay on top of how you keep your physical space, your digital space, your schedule, and life, you can increase mental clarity. Giving a sense of routine and order to the different areas of your world will make it easier to focus on the things you have to do and love to do. This is one of the most important tools in my mental health toolkit.

The energy of my space is incredibly important. If my physical space isn’t how I want it or is chaotic, it feels very hard to get anything else done. Pay attention to whatever it is that makes you feel whole and be sure to prioritize it. Keeping that area of your life in check will give you a sense of calm when other things go awry.

So..what can you do?

Lists, and lists, and lists…oh my!

I write down everything I have to do. When I can see a list visually, it becomes less overwhelming because I’m not wondering what I’m forgetting. I break things down by what I need to do each day, each week, and things I would like to accomplish by the end of the year.

Make sure you’re writing down everything in the same space so that you can return to it, whether that’s keeping one notebook for your daily / weekly planning or the notes app in your phone.

Add your morning routine to your daily to do list to make sure you’re prioritizing meditation, journaling, a walk, or whatever makes you feel good.

PS. You might want to check out our Free Download “Tips for Creating a Life You Love” which I linked above.


Include four categories in your to do lists and try to hit each category every day! Schedule something for fun, something for work, something for your health, and miscellaneous errands. Actually putting fun activities into your to do list will remind you that taking time for yourself actually is a priority.

Fill Your Space with Positive Energy!

Creating empty space in your home helps to create mental space and room for new energy to flow in. The same as meditation helps us to create empty space for our minds and bodies to relax, decluttering helps us to feel that same peace and openness in our homes. Donate or sell items you no longer need or want. There’s no reason for these things to take up space when you don’t love them and they could find a new home with someone else!

Fill your home with greenery. Keeping plants and fresh flowers in your space is the quickest way to make your space feel lighter. Connecting with nature is a grounding experience, plus, therapist Jaimi Brooks points out that having something to tend to outside of yourself, such as a plant, allows you to direct your focus on something else and can reduce anxiety. I also like to sage and palo santo the entirety of my house - the sage clears out any negative energy and the palo santo brings good energy back in.

Ritual and Routine

My morning routine is sacred. I like to be the first one up in my house, so I can get some time of complete peace and quiet. I make my coffee and do a meditation in my office separate from everyone. It also gives me a second to ensure my physical space is in order, which gives me the sense of calm I need to be a better friend, wife, and mom. Rituals I create for myself are something I have complete control over. Having that consistency helps me find serenity and gives me the energy I need to do the other ever changing tasks I have to complete day to day.

Make a clean routine! If you spend 10 minutes a day doing a little tidy of your space, you can ensure that the clutter will not build up and become too overwhelming. We all know how it is walking into a kitchen with a sink full of dirty dishes. Not a good feeling!!! Cleaning consistently and often in small increments will keep the job from feeling like a chore with no end in sight.

Video Resources!

I did a video chat with therapist Jaimi Brooks on mental health and organizing, learn about all of our tips here!

Additionally, check out my Tips and Tricks for Mental and Physical Organization that I spoke about at the Qualified Women Beauty and Empowerment Event.

Don’t forget to be kind to yourself. If you’re having a tough day mentally, get done only what is absolutely necessary, and then allow yourself time to relax and recover!

And, don’t miss out on all of the amazing services and resources we offer that will help you get to this organized life. From Virtual Consulting, to Feng Shui to in-person organizing - we are here for you. Request a consultation to learn more about our offerings below.

Originally published May 2022


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