Goals vs. Intentions

Goals Vs. Intentions

What exactly is the difference between a goal and an intention? Both have value, and can be used to support us in living our wildest dreams. It is the New Year season, and we’re all about using the energy of this season to make it happen. Take a moment and reflect on the difference between and goal and an intention and then take the step to set a goal and an intention or two.

Goals are about doing.
What is something you want to do?

Intentions are about being.
What is a way you want to be?

Goals are focusing on external accomplishments.
I will run a half marathon, I will get that promotion at work, I will go to yoga 2x/week.

Intentions are focused on how you want to feel.
It will feel easier to get out of bed after my alarm goes off to train, I feel gratitude when my alarm goes off.

Goals are about reaching that desired outcome and getting to that final destination. Placing the majority of the value on completing the desired outcome.
Crossing the finish line at the half marathon.

Intentions are about connecting to a greater purpose and the journey to getting there. Placing value on the experiences, the moments along the journey. There is a little more flexibility in practice when working with an intention.
Was there enjoyment and fulfillment from completing the race, what meaningful lessons came from the commitment to training?

As you can gather, both are incredibly valuable on this journey of life. And, if you were to dream wildly, to step out of this realm of reality and into the world of possibility - what is a goal you want to accomplish this year? And, what are the intentions behind that goal?

The more clarity in our purpose through our goals and intentions - the greater our impact on our communities and the world around us. Join us in having the most beautiful impact in 2023!

Hot tip: Feeling inspired? Create a desktop background collage of your 2023 goals and intentions so you can keep it at the front of your mind daily.


30 Days to Clutter-Free Living


Reflect and Reset for 2023