Composed Living

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A Month of Gratitude

A Month of Gratitude

Gratitude is linked to many health benefits, and so as we enter into the season of gratitude I invite you to join us in channeling gratitude for the entire month! In theory, this may sound easy - but in practice it can be a challenge. Here are three simple and clear tips to activate the habit of gratitude this month.

1. Keep a gratitude journal. Maybe this is the 20th time you’ve seen this recommended, and maybe that is a sign to try it! There is a reason all of the mindfulness and health experts recommend gratitude journals. When you intentionally train your mind to notice things you are grateful for, over time it will become your brains instinct! You can use a bank, spare journal you have laying around unused or get a guided gratitude journal like this one we love, the Five Minute Journal.

2. Breathe. Make a conscious effort three times a day to slow down and focus on your breathing. Since our theme is gratitude, as you are intentionally breathing try guiding yourself by thinking “breathe in gratitude, exhale tension” - or whatever resonates for you. One of my favorite things about meditation and breath-work? It’s COMPLETELY free and accessible to you at any moment. If this feels like an inspired action you want to take, I invite you to set three “breathe” alarms on your phone right now.

3. Remember the bad. This may sound contradictory to the previous two tips, but it’s true. It is important to acknowledge the moments you felt like your world was ending because guess what, it didn’t! You’re here, you’re reading this and that probably means you’re doing pretty okay. It is powerful work to find the ability to celebrate the triumphs and hurtles you’ve overcome. Building resilience is an important component to feeling gratitude. I invite you to reflect on times in your life when you truly thought your world was ending, how did you get through it? Allow yourself to feel gratitude for all you did to bring your world back together.