8 Self Care Suggestions for Fall

8 Self Care Suggestions for Fall

Can you feel it? The holidays are rapidly approaching and both my to-do list and calendar seem to be overflowing. This year, I have decided to get ahead of by front loading some self care into these next couple of weeks and doing my best to commit to fitting it in throughout the busy season ahead. I hope yo'u’ll join in!

1. Plan a staycation. Book a night in an Airbnb in that neighborhood you love and order some delicious take-out. Allow yourself to just rest.

2. Do better with my meditation and yoga practice. Even just 3 minutes of being still and practicing meditation can make my life so much more manageable and enjoyable. If you’re local to LA and looking for a place to get centered, check out the Lair nestled in the Hollywood Hills. You won’t regret it.

3. Soak my feet in warm water before bed. I like to add epsom salt (available at most refill stores) and essential oils for added relaxation and luxury.

4. Bake something you love. A fall kitchen smells of cinnamon and breads to me - what about you?

5. Make sure to stay hydrated. With the heat being less in our face, sometimes we forget to drink water as often. Check out the Plant Nanny app which pairs water intake with growing plants to create a fun game!

6. Declutter a space in your home. What? Not us recommending a declutter activity.. Truthfully, it is a great time to get to that space that brings you any sort of stress. Clean it out before the holidays can add to it. And, if you need some support with this project, I just might know somebody who can help.

7. Go for a hike! The cooler weather encourages me to get back outside. The sound of leaves crunching is one of the greatest nature sounds out there in my opinion.

8. Get your haircut booked now! We all know how busy it gets come holiday season. And while you’re at it, treat yourself to a mini spa day.


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