Our Perfect End of Summer Bash

Our Perfect End of Summer Bash

Keep the joyful summer energy going, invite your people over for a meaningful end of summer bash. Don’t overthink it, the summer does a lot of the work for us. Read below and find 5 inspiration tips for your next fun in the sun get together!

Text Invites

There’s no need to overcomplicate this. Simply send a text to invite your guests. Plus, we know this is the most reliable method of communication. I’m a fan of copy and pasting a message to individuals over sending a group text, but do you!


Everyone always enjoys bringing a dish they make oh so well. It can be such a great conversation starter and there’s no better way to connect over food. Invite your guests to bring a dish they love to make! Or, you can give more instructions, and tell your guests to bring something like their favorite pizza toppings - and have everything else needed for guests to make their own individual pizzas.

Refreshing Signature Drink

Surprise your guests with a delicious way to cool off with a slushie, check out this affordable option from Target to make your dreams come true. As a kid some of my favorite slushie flavors were blue raspberry and strawberry limeade, these are still delicious flavors on their own - or spiked with a delicious liquor of your choice.

Custom Playlist

After you’ve invited your guests, invite them to add songs to a Custom Collaborative Playlist on Spotify that you’ll okay during the party. This is a fun way to get a variety of music and make sure everyone will have a moment with the music.

Prep for the Elements

Citronella candle? Bug spray? Sun screen? Make sure to have what’s needed to make sure your guests stay comfortable while enjoying time together. There’s not much worse than mosquitos taking control of the dance floor.


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