Organization Tips for Empty Nesters

3 Key Organization Tips for Empty Nesters

It’s the start of a new school year, and whether you have a child heading off to college or are moving a recent graduate into their first apartment, the transition to being an empty nester can be challenging! We are here to help you embrace this new chapter in your home life, while keeping the environment and your budget in mind. We are here to give you a few key organization tips for empty nesters!


Declutter, Donate, Recycle 

If someone doesn’t live with you, neither should their stuff! Use this transition period to sit down with your young adult child and go through everything together. Teaming up and tackling their items together should prevent something from accidentally getting tossed out and avoid any hard feelings in the future. Plus, you can ensure that you won’t be purchasing duplicates of items that you already have, which lessens the burden on the supply chain. Ask the following questions before the move: 

  • What can be taken with them?

  • What can be donated? Here are just a few of our favorite places to donate items! Different organizations accept all many types of donations!

  • What can be recycled? Visit Earth911 and simply enter your zip code and what you’re trying to recycle - they’ll provide you with a list of places!


Once you have gone through the process of figuring out what is staying, decide who will keep certain items and how they’ll be stored. For example, there may be some bulky items such as dressers or kitchen appliances that need to be taken to a storage unit. For sentimental possessions, find a place to display a few pieces of childhood memorabilia, such as a bookshelf or photo album.  There are plenty of chic, sustainable home organizing options out there. Here are a few we love.



This is where things get fun! It can be tempting to run out and buy new items for revamping the empty room your adult child is leaving behind, but there are great eco-friendly alternatives for decorating that won’t break the bank. Whether you’re converting their former room into a guest room, craft room or home-office, be sure to check out garage sales, thrift stores or breathe some new life into old furniture by getting crafty and up-cycling items you already own.

If you’re an empty nester, let us know and share some favorite tips for navigating this stage in your life!


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