Things We're Thankful For

Things We’re Thankful For

This season has got me in my FEELINGS! Jeez, the weather gets slightly chilled and I find myself reminiscing about…everything. Within these thoughts, I’ve really been trying to take time to reflect on what I’m thankful for. I think we spend too much time worrying about what we don’t want or what we don’t have. If we switch our narrative to thinking about what we do want and what we do have, we will find our days to become so much more fulfilling.

Composed Living team member, Jessika, is in the awesome habit of writing out a gratitude list each morning. I know sometimes that’s difficult to do when you’ve got a crazy schedule and morning stress and anxiety, but if you can find a time somewhere during the day or even each week or each month, I think it’s an awesome practice to make habit. It trains us to focus on the positive instead of harping on the negative. This allows us to move throughout our days and weeks with a clearer head on our shoulders, manifesting good things coming in, and not living in the upsets of the past. Her method has got me very thankful for what I have!

So without further ado, here are some things the members of our team are feeling grateful for these days, in no particular order.

I’m grateful for:

-the amazing, talented, wonderful women of Composed Living.

-having all three of our kids in our house together (the best part of the last year!)

-cooler weather and slower days.

-the health of my family and friends.

-the entire cast of Ted Lasso.

Paris is grateful for:

-my family’s sense of humor.

-crisp fall evenings.

-healthcare workers and first responders.

-fresh orchids.

-quality time with friends.

maddy and chad.jpg

Maddy is grateful for:

-my health. Especially in the time of Covid I am so so happy that I am healthy! 

-comedy! IMHO Life is about having fun and I am so grateful that I have a partner (and a team at work) who keep me laughing. It’s so easy to take yourself way too seriously so it’s nice to check in with The reality that so much in life is absurd and funny.

-simple ways to feel pampered-at home: manis (@oliveandjune -duh!), face masks, fresh flowers. Anything to help maximize relaxation and enjoyment. 

-music. Especially live music is so joyful to me and after going without it for so long, it’s so much more magical to see it now.

-my home! I’m so grateful that I have been able to make my space fully represent me. And thanks to helpful friends (like fellow CL team member, Roxy), I’ve learned to make small changes that pack a punch. Like my recent light fixture upgrade!

Ali sporting The Comfy, her prized possession that she’s so grateful for!

Ali is grateful for:

-the ability to pursue my artistic dreams and passions. What a dream to be living in L.A. pursuing my acting career. It’s not a unique story, but it does make me happy!

-my Comfy Sweatshirt Blanket for keeping me warm. :) (such a great holiday gift) (you need one)

-outdoor food festivals and markets (shoutout to Smorgasburg and Vegan Exchange). I’m a bottomless pit and will order one of everything!

-a job that allows for a flexible schedule. I’m so grateful to have a job that still allows me to pursue acting and allows me to travel. Not to mention I have the coolest boss ever!

-my emotional intelligence and ability to be vulnerable. I feel lucky that I can be authentic and let my guard down, even if it’s tough.

Roxy is grateful for:

-SoCal sunshine.


-love & support from my partner.

-new friendships.

-opportunities to travel to new places.


Maddie is also grateful for her cat! His name is Boyfriend, naturally.

Maddie is grateful for:

-being able to celebrate marriages and baby showers.

-having more alone time to center myself.

-having coworkers who see my value and communicate effectively.

-having access to wonderful doctors and mental health professionals.

-having a positive relationship with my family members.

Some of the yummy food Rachel is grateful for!! Looks delish!

Rachel is grateful for:

-my supportive family.

-fall weather.


-awesome friends.

-access to yummy food.

This is Jessika on one of her long hikes in the wild! I’m jealous!

Jessika is grateful for:

-family who was able to move closer so we’re together during this difficult time.

-stability. I have a great car and a safe place to live.

-my coaches who have been helping me launch my business and help me uncover my personal blocks.

-long hikes in the wild.

-the occasional thunderstorm which renews my soul. :)

This is Brie’s cutie pie, Dutch!

Brie is grateful for:

-my kids - for their love, trust, positivity and optimism; they are my truest family.

-my girlfriends who have become family to me, who give me strength in being myself.

-my DOG! I would be nowhere without him. (I attached a photo of Dutch, my bff.)

-my town of Sierra Madre: a generous and kind community of support and encouragement.

-my 4runner for its trusted reliability through ups and downs, snow and rain, both in-city and off-grid.

Janelle’s growing family that she’s thankful for!!!

Janelle is grateful for:

-my little growing family. My boyfriend and partner Bob, and my rescue dog named Clark. During the pandemic we rescued Clark and it gave me a reason to walk outside, get moving, and focus on the future.

-getting to do what I love for a living. Everything I currently fill my time with is something that I enjoy and fills my soul, and that certainly has not always been the case.

-the fall season. My favorite season is fall, when the cool crisp air rips in. Although LA doesnt get as many seasons as I'm used to from my childhood, I will continue to act AND dress like the seasons are real.

-my community. I have a lovely community Buy Nothing group here in Palms. This group of people constantly remind me what community means, and how community members can lift each other up, inspire, and nurture their neighbors' interests. Not to mention that all my best, most interesting decorations once belonged to a neighbor in this group.

-my neighborhood's Free Fridge. It's a wonderful project that I am active in that fully stocks a fridge and pantry for anyone in our neighborhood to come and use when they need. When life got difficult in the pandemic and I was fortunate enough to remain housed, this became a real, tangible way to give back to those not as lucky as me. This is a project I think a lot of neighborhoods should adapt to as the housing crisis grows. It's such an active and immediate way to give back.

Alec is grateful for:

-my amazing relationship with my grandma.

-all the people in my life and how we support each other.

-my lovely cat, Maiko and all her crazy shenanigans.

-my love for fashion.

-my passion for traveling and experiencing other culture norms.

Caroline is grateful for:

-my health and the health of my family and friends.

-living in a place with so much sunshine close the sea.

-my cozy bed and dedication to make time for rest.

-the opportunity to travel and continually explore.

-the deep and loving relationships I have.

All of us on the Composed Living team are very thankful for healthcare workers, this year and every year. Who are you grateful for this holiday season? Let us know!


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