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Moving Guide + Tips

Moving Guide + Tips

Helping clients move into new homes is one of my favorite parts of this line of work. There is nothing better than the peace a client feels when they walk into their new home and everything is already in its place. Moving can be incredibly stressful because there are so many moving parts, but it is so important to hit the ground running and get your home set up to your liking right away. Your home should be your safe place, and having systems and a logical place for everything from the start will make your new space feel like home in a jiff.

I am currently in the midst of a move myself, so I know how much hard work it takes coordinating everything! Below I’ll share you some tips I am using for my own personal move and what we've been doing to prep. Plus, we’ve got a more intensive Moving Guide that is for sale on our website.


  1. Declutter BEFORE the Move

    There’s no reason to bring anything over to your new space that isn’t going to live there long term. Before you stuff everything into a box, look at how much you have of each category and let go of some items. Remember, the more you declutter, the more room you will have to grow! While you’re in the decluttering stage, it’s also a great time to pack up any items that you won’t need until the actual move! We had tons of stuff we knew we could pack up early because we didn’t need access to it until we were in the new house, plus we needed to clear the space to have it spick and span for showings of our old house!

  2. Donate ASAP

    Start selling or donating anything you don't want as soon as you know you're moving! You don't want to end up with no time left and just leaving everything on the curb. We always do our best when moving clients to get all giveaway items into the hands of someone else instead of going to a landfill. Look through our list of ideas for where to donate items. If you’re in L.A., your local “Buy Nothing” Facebook group is a great resource to regift items for free to your neighbors. There is a group for each neighborhood!

  3. Put Like with Like

    If movers are packing you, they typically won’t be mindful of placing like items together. So, sort everything together beforehand, so that when they pack, everything gets logically packed together. For example - if you have books all over your house, it may make more sense as you're unpacking to have all your books packed together, rather than in each room. The same goes for cleaning supplies, linens, and anything else you have spread around the house. It’s helpful to see your entire category together to make sure you want to bring everything over to the new place and to make sure you find logical placements for everything in your new spot, keeping all items in mind.

  4. Label Everything

    This might seem obvious, but BE SPECIFIC! The more specific you are, the more you will thank yourself later. Sometimes having the room name alone is not enough. Just because an item made sense in one room in your old space, doesn’t necessarily mean it’s going to be your preferred place for it in your new space.

5. Pack Boxes Tight!

If your boxes are all going into a moving truck, be sure they are packed up tight. Boxes will be stacked on top of each other and too much pressure could damage the items inside the boxes, unless, your boxes are packed to the brim and stuffed with packing paper and bubble wrap!

6. Clear Out the Garage

The garage often becomes the landing space for all of our extra stuff. After years of living in this space - who knows what has accumulated in there? This is the perfect time to clear out and organize your garage! As you go through things, put all of your categories together, and consider investing in some sturdy, weathertight, plastic totes. Place all of your items in the bins and label everything - then your new garage will already be organized when you move in! We love these 66 quart Sterilite Bins.

7. Product, Product, Product

In order to get off to a new start in your clean new space - consider what products would fit so you can begin having systems immediately. Could your new kitchen use some turntables for your oils and vinegars or a can riser for your pantry? Or maybe some hyacinth bins that could work for almost any space?

8. Donate Boxes After Use

Someone always needs moving boxes! If you post your boxes on Facebook Marketplace or your neighborhood Buy Nothing group for free, someone is sure to take advantage of them and will be very grateful!

The most important thing to remember is to set yourself up for success. Don’t bring anything into your new space that doesn’t belong. You want everything there to reflect good and happy energy. Don’t keep things just because someone gave it to you, keep it if you love it.

Also, don’t forget, we have moving services if you want to take some of the pressure off of yourself. Consultations are free!

How we can support you in your move:

  • Unpack & organize your new home

  • Downsize your inventory or collections

  • Manage move preparation & logistics

  • Packing items for a move

  • Home staging & sale preparation

  • Manage vendors and coordinate deliveries

Happy moving!