Composed Living

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Before + After: Ali Manno Garage Transformation

Before + After: Ali Manno Garage Transformation

We had such a great time transforming Ali Manno’s garage space! She recapped the garage organization experience in her own blog, and we’ll share the highlights with you here!

Check out Ali’s blog here!!

Ali did an amazing job capturing our home organization and decluttering process through her lens but we’ll give you the rundown!

When organizing a garage….

  1. Keep like with like! Putting your items into categories will make your life easier, and save you time so you’re not searching for things in multiple locations! For instance, we made specific zones in Ali’s garage for household supplies and tools, kids’ toys, keepsakes, holiday decor, and earthquake/emergency storage.

  2. Repurpose what you can! You may already have storage cabinets or containment that work perfectly in your space! It will save you time, money, and it’s the way to go for a sustainable living lifestyle!

  3. If you need to purchase new storage, that’s okay too! If your old products are in good condition, make sure to find a new home for them to limit waste!

  4. Store your items in weatherproof bins to protect them from the elements and keep dust out. We love Sterlite’s bins like these or these that come in a variety of sizes; they are garage home organization essentials!

  5. Although built in storage is certainly a great option for some spaces, if you think you might move at any point, consider purchasing shelving that you can take with you. Ali used these, which are great for storing those bins linked above ^^.

  6. Label, label, LABEL! Labeling the outside of each bin will ensure you and your guests know how to easily find everything!

  7. Ali highlighted the importance of putting a great system in place for earthquake and emergency storage. Having everything you could possibly need for an emergency together in a bin or two is perfect so you can grab them and leave immediately if needed.

    Here are some items Ali recommends keeping in your emergency storage!

    • Face masks

    • Soap

    • Feminine care products

    • Surface wipes

    • Gloves

    • Prescription medications

    • Non-perishable foods

    • Water

    • Paper towels

    • Toilet Paper

    • Radio

    • Flashlight

    • Portable phone chargers

    • First Aid Kit

We’re so happy you love your space, Ali!!!