Financial Benefits of Living More Sustainably
Sustainable Household Items Save You Money
One of the perks of living an eco-friendly lifestyle is the long-term financial savings that come with it, in addition to feeling good about helping the planet. Today we are breaking down some commonly used household items and the cost benefit of choosing their sustainable counterpart. Use this as a guide the next time you are replacing a disposable household item. It’s a no brainer to make the environmentally friendly choice!
Plastic Toothbrush
Environmental Issue: Plastic, not recyclable
Sustainable Alternative: Compostable bamboo
Savings: The production costs of bamboo are extremely low due to the high-volume of availability and renewability. See link below to a 10 pack of bamboo toothbrushes that are roughly $1 per toothbrush!
Buy here: Bamboo Toothbrush
Plastic Razors
Environmental Issue: Non-recyclable, expensive, wasteful
Sustainable Alternative: Safety razor
Savings: Plastic cartridge razors cost nearly $200 per year, per person. Safety razors may have an initial upfront cost that is greater than a plastic razor, but it can last forever with good care, and replacement blades are as inexpensive as $.10 per blade.
Buy here: Viking Blade Safety Razor
Single Use Tampons
Environmental Issue: Disposable tampons, pads and applicators pollute waterways and harm marine wildlife. Tampons are often bleached, which creates a carcinogenic byproduct and can disrupt hormones.
Sustainable Alternative: Reusable menstrual cup
Savings: Single-use period products cost ~$10/month, while reusable menstrual cups are pretty inexpensive, running around $40 each for high quality cups and can be reused up to 10 years. A lifetime supply would only cost about $160 compared to disposable products, which could cost up to $4,800 over a woman’s lifetime. We love Kind Cup, a local, female founded startup that uses high quality, sustainable materials. Check out their shop in the link below!
Buy here: Kind Cup
Bleached Toilet Paper
Environmental Issue: Dangerous chemicals, non-recycled, wasteful
Sustainable Alternative: Recycled/bamboo toilet paper, bidet
Savings: Over $50 in toilet paper per year by buying a similarly priced bidet attachment that will last you indefinitely. Bamboo is a cheaper alternative and when used in conjunction with a bidet, will allow you to stretch your supply out much longer.
Buy here: Bamboo Toilet Paper, Bidet
Plastic Food Storage
Environmental Issue: Can leach toxic chemicals into your food
Sustainable Alternative: Bliss Jars, Stasher Bags, Aluminum storage containers
Savings: Reusable jars, bags and storage containers run about $7-$30 each. However, think about how much Ziplock bags cost and how often you’ll be buying new ones over the course of a year. All of the sustainable alternatives are washable and reusable, so over time they pay for themselves!
Buy Here: Stainless Steel Containers, Stasher Bags, Bliss Haus
Multiple Cleaning Products
Environmental Issue: They contain chemicals and are unnecessary
Sustainable Alternative: White vinegar, used as a counter & mirror cleaner or soak for laundry. Fill in a reusable glass spray bottle.
Savings: One gallon is around $14. You can dilute this and replace almost all of your cleaning products, which cost around $6.99 each – you really don’t need a separate cleaner for your bathroom counters, toilet, mirrors, kitchen counters, or laundry.
Buy here: Heinz Cleaning Vinegar, Glass Spray Bottle
Coffee Cups and Individual Coffee Pods
Environmental Issue: Lots of unnecessary waste, plastic and not recyclable
Sustainable Alternative: A French press – tastes better, easy to clean, no plastic, no waste and looks super stylish in any kitchen.
Savings: Buying coffee out or buying pods can cost between $240 and $1,200 a year, while making it at home comes out to about $45 a year.
Buy Here: French Press
What are some of your favorite sustainable products?