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7 Things to Declutter + Organize Before Fall

7 Things to Declutter + Organize Before Fall

Although it’s hard to believe in this LA heat wave, cooler days are ahead of us. I look forward to the thought of layering up in a sweatshirt and drinking a hot coffee. I also look forward to all that the fall season brings upon us. Fall has always felt like a second take on New Years Eve - the back to school energy and a return to routine and habits is allowing me to reconnect with some of my goals for this year. One of which, (always) being - to declutter and organize! Check out what I’ll make sure to do as I transition from summer to fall.

1. Outdoor + Water toys

Check to see if there are any missing or damaged pieces. If it is unfixable, it may be time to let it go. Also, take inventory of what. you have and what you didn’t use this past season. Will you next year? If not, who do you know that might benefit from inheriting that from you?

2. Summer shoes + clothes

This is the perfect time to donate anything that has been grown out of or no longer is needed by you. Make sure to wash it and then you can donate. Not sure where to donate? Check out the list of organizations we love to support here.

3. Office Space

While I’m years out of school, fall still feels like “back to school” for me in many ways. I love to use this energy to clear my work space and set up It can be so easy to let a stack of papers, and mail pile up. Go through and shred or recycle what you do not need. File and organize any important paperwork that can’t get lost.

5. Garden Tools + Supplies

What plants didn’t or won’t make it? It’s time to add them to your compost pile and create the space for something new to thrive. And, while you’re at it why not go through your tools, as well as supplies. Make sure everything is back in their home and if you didn’t use it — will you? Who could you give or donate it to?

6. Skin Care Products

Time to check those expiration dates! Rinse out and recycle the bottles that you can. We are really loving that a lot of makeup brands are now using containers that can be recycled when rinsed or even refilled.

7. Canned Goods + Spices

Life is already getting more hectic this fall season, and with holidays approaching - have that kitchen ready to go! Where can you make space for the upcoming holiday festivities? Are there any unexpired products you won’t use that can donate? Anything expired that needs to go?

I hope you have a wonderful fall ahead of you and make sure to keep checking back for more tips on how to live your most organized life.